A note from our Chair

In March 2020, the health and care system embarked on the most challenging year in its history.

Within a matter of days, all 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) realigned resources and refocused our existing work to support the national and regional response to coronavirus (COVID-19). We adapted and channelled our efforts to support the system where the need was the greatest, and used our model of operating as a locally connected, co-ordinated national network to add value at pace and scale during this time.

Our 2020/21 Impact Report demonstrates that as a Network we drive forward results in the most relevant areas to make a real difference for patients and service users, as well as healthcare professionals, innovators and NHS organisations. We use our unique position working across all sectors relevant to health and care and our embedded relationships as a catalyst for the greatest impacts, and this year is a demonstration of how effective that can be.

Even in the face of adversity, the system has made some incredible steps forward to adopt innovation and work even more closely with industry.

Professor Gary Ford
Chair of the AHSN Network and Chief Executive of Oxford AHSN

AHSN Network Impact Report cover

Read the Impact Report PDF. You can see more impact stories on the pages below.

2020/21 impacts

  • Partnering for procurement success

    There is a wealth of HealthTech innovators poised to help solve some of the NHS’ greatest challenges, yet getting a product or new technology adopted at scale in the NHS is far from straightforward. In a recent ABHI member’s survey*, procurement was cited as one of the biggest barriers that innovators face, particularly those from [...]

  • Meet the innovator: Kerstyn Comley, Tellmi

    Tellmi is a social enterprise innovation which aims to address the growing demand for mental health services and tackle health inequalities for young people. It is a digital peer support app available launched in 2017 by psychologist Suzi Godson PhD and engineer Kerstyn Comley PhD. Kersytn explains how Tellmi works. Tell us about the innovation. [...]

  • How embracing Artificial Intelligence improves the human experience

    The NHS is facing record demand for services. According to The Health Foundation, the NHS waiting list for elective treatment in England has almost tripled in size over the last decade to 7.7 million. And latest figures show there were a record 2.35 million attendances at A&E across England in March this year. We know [...]