The Health Innovation Network is exhibiting at Arab Health (Monday 29 January to Thursday 1 February), which is the largest healthcare and medical trade show in the Middle East and North Africa.

This year, we will be helping to showcase a number of UK-based innovators to the international healthcare audience. The innovators are:

  • ImproveWell, which makes it simple for organisations to capture continuous, real-time insight to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care.
  • Lifelight, the world’s first and only clinical grade contactless vital signs provider for blood pressure, pulse and respiration.
  • My MHealth, a market leader in digital therapeutics, offering evidence-based digital interventions for asthma, COPD, diabetes and cardiovascular disease and empowers patients to self-manage their long-term conditions.
  • Inicio Health, a specialist in digital transformation, supporting organisations to adopt solutions such as intelligent automation, system integrations and electronic health record optimisation.
  • TwinBin, which specialises in comprehensive supply chain solutions tailored for hospitals and medical companies.

At the event, we will also be highlighting our collaboration with partners, such as ABHI and the Department of International Trade, as well as the support we can provide to overseas businesses interested in entering the UK market.

Dr Neville Young, Director of Enterprise and Innovation at Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber, said: “It’s a real privilege to have the opportunity to support these entrepreneurs to showcase their innovations to an international market.

“If we can use these great assets combined with the strength of the Health Innovation Network to spread these innovations globally, we will further enhance the reputation of the UK as a leader in the HealthTech and Life Sciences sector.”

If you are an international HealthTech innovator interested in accessing the UK market, or an overseas healthcare system who wants to learn more about our NHS system, and innovations that are already having an impact on patient outcomes and service delivery, we would love to hear from you. Contact us here.

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