We are pleased to be able to support the NHS Patient Safety Strategy and contribute to the ambition of saving lives and money. Our work to improve patient safety across the Health Innovation Network includes the delivery of the National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes and a cross-cutting theme throughout our network strategy.

Our patient safety plan 2024, Patient safety in partnership is our fifth update capturing the impact we’re having. It gives examples of a range of projects helping to translate the commitments of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy into practical activity ‘on the ground’.

This year, Patient Safety Collaboratives will be supporting the delivery of ‘Martha’s Rule’ with local partners as part of their long-established managing deterioration work. This has brought in a clearer system for patients and their families when they don’t feel that their voice is being heard.

Patient safety remains high on the agenda of all NHS and social care organisations in these changing times. We are working to measure our collective impact as 15 health innovation networks, and develop a pipeline of programmes for the future.


Read the report, Patient safety in partnership.


What have we achieved?

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