The AHSN Network and the NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) are partnering with the cholesterol charity, HEART UK, to launch a new education programme for healthcare professionals called Tackling Cholesterol Together.

Led by key national figures in cardiovascular disease, Tackling Cholesterol Together is the national professional education programme supporting the NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) three-year lipids workstream in order to raise awareness amongst healthcare professionals that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is preventable yet currently kills 136,00 people every year.

The programme will support healthcare professionals to address under diagnosis and under treatment at scale and use new models to manage cholesterol, underpinned by an updated NICE endorsed pathway, with certificates issued for completion of all content.

Tackling Cholesterol Together will be delivered though videos, podcasts, webinars, expert clinics and online modules. Topics covered range from statin intolerance to behavioural change, familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH), novel therapies on the horizon, and much more.

For more information and access to content, visit HEART UK.

Find out more about our Lipid Management and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia national programme.

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