A joint webinar and Q&A hosted by the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) and the AHSN Network has highlighted the support on offer from Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) for innovators, at all stages of development.

The webinar, held on 30 June 2022, was hosted by Richard Phillips, Director of Strategy at ABHI, and featured Professor Gary Ford, AHSN Network Chair; Nicola Hutchinson, Chief Executive at the Academic Health Science Network North East North Cumbria; and Rob Chesters, Interim Programme Lead at West Midlands Academic Health Science Network.

As well as explaining the various levels of support an AHSN can offer, they also gave an introduction to the NHS Innovation Service, and launched a new booklet aimed at innovators, which sets out how they can access advice and support.

Download the Supporting innovators booklet.

Richard Phillips said:

“The AHSNs have an important role to play in helping realise the Government’s Life Sciences Vision ambition to create an outstanding business environment for healthtech companies, and we look forward to continuing the work we have done together to support inward trade missions from those looking to invest in our country.”

Read more in his blog.

You can find your local AHSN’s contact details here.

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