Cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as heart disease and stroke, is a leading cause of death in the UK, responsible for a quarter of all mortalities each year (Source: British Heart Foundation).
High blood pressure and cholesterol are leading risk factors for CVD, but this is far from a foregone conclusion. Both are highly modifiable, and with effective treatment we can substantially lower the risk of CVD.
The NHS Long Term Plan has highlighted CVD as a key area for saving lives over the next ten years. We are supporting this through the implementation of frameworks within primary care networks, optimising clinical care and self-management and widening patient access to relevant therapies.
CVD has an overwhelming impact on patients’ and families’ lives, and disproportionately affects deprived areas. People living in these areas are four times as likely to die prematurely from CVD (Source: Public Health England), widening the life expectancy gap between poorer and more affluent communities.
With this in mind, we’re developing case finding initiatives to ensure those most in need are being reached, supporting integrated care systems to reduce health inequalities.