In partnership with patients and our partners, we have developed a range of patient information materials in different community languages to support and prepare people who have been invited for a medication review with their GP, pharmacist or other healthcare professional.

These materials are free to use and can be printed and used in paper format, or shared electronically with patients by email, text or any other electronic systems used within your workplace.

People who may benefit from a medication review are those who are taking several medicines regularly or are taking medicines for long term conditions. The medication review can help to identify any medicines that are no longer appropriate or any that may need a change in dose.

The resources are available in the following languages, including audio versions for visually impaired people and easy read versions for people with learning disabilities:

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Chinese Traditional (Cantonese)
  • Chinese Simplified (Mandarin)
  • Bengali
  • Gujarati
  • Somali
  • Polish
  • Punjabi Gurmukhi
  • Punjabi Shahmukhi
  • Romanian
  • Urdu

An animation is available to help patients think about their medicines and to prepare for a Structured Medication Review:

The resources available in each language are:

  • Patient invitation letter, which you can edit to add the patient’s name and your contact details.
  • ‘Me and My Medicines’ or ‘Are Your Medicines Working?’ information – to be shared with patients invited to attend a Structured Medication Review.
  • Safely stopping your medicine leaflet – to be shared with patients if you agree to stop or gradually stop any medicines.

Download resources

There is no charge to download or use these resources; however, as part of the national rollout, we wish to track where the resources are being used and request you share the name of your local integrated care board (ICB).

You may also like to provide an email address. This is not mandatory, and we will only use this to update you when new resources become available.

Further resources for healthcare professionals

We have produced information sheets for GP practice staff and other healthcare professionals about the various materials and how to use them:

And if you can play videos on the patient information screen in your practice’s waiting room, why not show our new animation? Download the subtitled version of the animation here. (Right-click to save the video to your computer.)

Share your feedback

To support our programme evaluation we would appreciate your feedback on using these patient information materials and whether they support better conversations about medicines between patients and their GP or pharmacist. Our feedback survey contains 10 questions and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Download the survey form here to print and return by freepost, or download a version to complete electronically and return by email, or complete the form online here.

Our email address is: