Implementation toolkit for Transforming Wound Care programme test and evaluation sites
This toolkit has been created by the Health Innovation Network Transforming Wound Care (TWC) team to help TWC test and evaluation sites (TES) implement the National Wound Care Strategy leg and foot ulcer recommendations.
It contains National Wound Care Strategy Programme resources in addition to documents developed by healthcare providers themselves which have been included as examples to support implementation by the TWC test and evaluation sites.
The toolkit is categorised by audience and interest (clinicians and practitioners, health and care providers, and Integrated Care Systems and commissioners). Resources are then catalogued by the three ‘enablers’ for implementation: people, process and technology.
Note, artefacts on this website may contain AHSN Network branding, this is the previous name of the Health Innovation Network.
We welcome feedback on this toolkit and continue to develop these pages as the current Transforming Wound Care Programme continues until March 2024. Please provide feedback through the contact us form.
In January 2025, the Transforming Wound Care Programme published the independent evaluation of the programme. You can view this evaluation and supporting documents on the Transforming Wound Care homepage.
Implementation areas
The three implementation areas key to the success of the Transforming Wound Care programme are: