We are delighted that two Health Innovation Networks have been shortlisted in the 2024 Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards. This is in addition to the two networks that were shortlisted in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Patient Safety Awards earlier this year. The awards shine a light on the outstanding efforts and achievements that teams [...]
The Digital North accelerator programme is a collaborative enterprise established by the four northern AHSNs: Yorkshire & Humber AHSN, Health Innovation Manchester, Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast) and AHSN North East and North Cumbria. It aims to support regional digital health technology firms in the adoption and spread of proven innovations within [...]
The inaugural winners have been named in the new awards from the AHSN Network and NHS Confederation, following an award ceremony attended by almost 400 NHS leaders, innovators and partners. Technology thought-leader and Countdown arithmetician Anne-Marie Imafidon, hosted the ceremony, which provided a fantastic celebration of excellence in health and care transformation. With more [...]
More than 286,000 people were supported at home through technology-enabled remote monitoring in 2021/22, with rapid enablement and scaling of this support spearheaded by the National Innovation Collaborative for digital health. Led by Health Innovation Manchester (HInM) on behalf of the AHSN Network, the collaborative is a learning and support system for professionals involved in [...]
Meet Lee Omar, Founder of Safe Steps. Safe Steps is a user-friendly falls risk screening, review and care planning tool which supports health and social care organisations to become self-sufficient in falls prevention. Read what he has to say about the personal background to his innovation, understanding the NHS as an entrepreneur and how the [...]
Seeing pupil power bring about changes in school dinner menus and playground design was my first taste of public participation in decision making. I was a secondary teacher in Wigan and took on the role of leading the School Council, which led to a wider role with Wigan Borough Council, bringing together representatives of all [...]